Physics In Candlepin Bowling

What Is Candlepin Bowling?

Action Of The Ball
The Basics Of Candlepin Bowling
Newton's Law
What Is Candlepin Bowling?


What is candle-pin bowling you may ask? Is it the same as 10 pin bowling? Is it played the same?

Candle-pin bowling is played the same way as 10 pin bowling. But the only difference is that you play with candle-pins and smaller bowling balls that fit right into you hand. The candle-pins are aproximently 15cm height and aproximently 2cm width. They also weigh aproximently 2 pounds 8 ounces. The bowling balls width and height is aproximently 4 cm, they weigh 2 pounds 7 ounces, usally no more then that. The bowling lanes are made of wood or a synthetic imitation. The length of the the lanes are 60 feet, that is measured from the foul line to the head pin (1 pin/ first one that is out fearther) The lanes are aproximently 41 or 42 inches in width. The object of the game is to knock over as many pins as possible. If you knock over all the pins with one ball, then its classified as a strike. If you knock over all the pins with two balls then its classified as a spare. But if you knock over all the pins with three balls then its calssified as a 10. You have 10 boxed to try and get as many pins as possible knocked over and added onto you score.

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